24 Ways To Love Yourself In ‘24

24 Ways To Love Yourself In ‘24

It’s a new year. Time to start fresh with 24 ways to love yourself in 2024.

Maybe this year it’s time to show love to the most important person first, yourself.

We understand that practicing self-love may be challenging to some of us during tough times or even seen as a luxury with our hectic schedules. However, self-love is essential in supporting one’s physical, psychological, and spiritual growth!

Self-love is key to your mental health and physical wellness.

24 Ways To Love Yourself In ‘24

So do yourself a favour, take a deep breath and try these 24 ways to love yourself in 2024:

1.Start your day by meditating for two minutes. Close your eyes and breathe!

2. Buy yourself fresh flowers.

3. Clean your house or apartment.

4. Organize your workspace and files

5. Each night before bed write in your gratitude journal.

6. Make it a priority to get eight hours of sleep.

7. Read a good book.

8. Do something for yourself without guilt.

9. Treat yourself and buy something you’ve always wanted.

10. Practice the art of saying “no.”

11. Be of service — volunteer, help a friend, etc.

12. Compliment someone today.

13. Get your sweat on. Go for a hike or long walk.

14. Smile bright 🙂

15. Try something new: dance classes, cooking lessons, yoga.

16. Call your mom and tell her you love her (or your dad, sister, etc.).

17. Snuggle up with your honey or four-legged friend.

18. Allow yourself to have that piece of chocolate and savour every minute.

19. Shut off your email and cellphone for an hour.

20. Self-love mantra: “I am enough. I have enough. I do enough.”

21. Let go of comparison to others.

22. Write a love letter to your ex and burn it.

23. Look in the mirror and compliment yourself hard!

24. Take 15 minutes of each day to do what makes you happy.

We hope that this year, you’ll give yourself the love you deserve. Remember the most important relationship in life is the relationship with yourself 😉