Celebrating Mother’s Day with Mum-fluencers

This Sunday is Mother’s Day, a perfect opportunity to express gratitude to individuals in your life who have served as “Mums” in whatever manner. It doesn’t matter if you need a helping hand, a shoulder to lean on, or some sound advice, mums are always there. They are unconditional, patient and generous through our ups and downs. 


“Mum-fluencers” are a significant category of influencers because they share their own experiences of parenthood, often acting as a guide for new mums. This year, in honour of Mother’s Day, we’re revisiting some of our most popular “Mum-fluencers” and their journeys of motherhood. 


Estee (@esteezaki)

Ember Yong (@emberyong)

Sheryln Chan (@sherlynchanwp)

   Tina Yong (@tina_yong)

Jamie Yeo (@iamjamieyeo)

Bella Koh(@catslavery)

Lydia Izzati (@lydiaizzati)

Gwendolyn Ashley (@omfgwen)

Sheila Mandy (@sheilamansy)

Zoe Raymond (@zoeraymondtan)

Sheiryn Aisiqa (@aisiqa)


If you’re looking to target mothers in your next campaign, feel free to reach out to us and let us help you!