3 Ways To Keep Up With The Instagram Algorithm

3 Ways To Keep Up With The Instagram Algorithm

Are you struggling to keep up with the Instagram algorithm? Or finding ways to be on top of your social media game to impress your clients? Here are 3 ways to keep up with the Instagram algorithm! 

We’ve got your back! As a key influencer marketing and social media agency in Singapore, we know the landscape inside out. 

Remember to ace the algorithm of the best social media platform, you must think like it. 

Here are some top updates from Instagram last week: 

#1 Leveling The Playing Field For Micro Influencers 

Are you a fitness influencer or lifestyle influencer with a small following base and striving to grow it? 

Fear no more as Instagram wants to give its smaller KOLs, like you, a chance to be recognized. As key opinion leaders in their niche content styles, these small accounts drive targeted reach towards topics their followers are passionate about. 

Update: Instagram plans to redistribute the reach from larger accounts to smaller accounts. 

3 Ways To Keep Up With The Instagram Algorithm

#2 Authentic Content Is In

Anyone can just copy a trend and or reshare a stitched video. But it’s creativity that Instagram really wants to reward these days. 

Make your content look less like social ads and more like a genuine expression of yourself as announced by Instagram’s CEO Adam Mosseri. Be more than just a virtual influencer who jumps on the trend bandwagon! 

Update: The gram will push our content that is new, never-seen before

3 Ways To Keep Up With The Instagram Algorithm

Watch Mosseri’s Video To Get The Full Scoop


#3 Posting 3 Times A Week 

Previously, all social media influencers were all running into a rabbit hole of constantly churning out content everyday. No matter what it talked about or how it resonated with their followers, they just posted it. 

But times are changing! With the audience attention span lasting an average of only 8 seconds, they want to see content that really appeals to their emotions and pain points

Update: Instagram prefers quality over quantity. Make sure what you are posting adds value to your audiences’ lives. 

3 Ways To Keep Up With The Instagram Algorithm

Quit The Rat Race, Instead Stay Updated

Have you noted down these 3 ways to keep up with the Instagram algorithm? Follow @indiecollaborates, your trusted and innovative influencer marketing agency in Singapore, for more glorious algorithm news!